Managing DNS, Email, Hosting, Live Chat, Website Builder Services through your SOAP API Integration


The SOAP API has been deprecated. You are advised to use the HTTP API instead.

The following Services reside on separate servers from the ones you connect to, via the SOAP API Kits, due to which your Customers need to login to their (individual) Control Panels, for managing them:

  • DNS

  • Email (Email Forwarding)

  • Web Hosting

  • Email Hosting

  • Live Chat

  • Website Builder

now provides you with another method of directly allowing access to your Customer, to manage their DNS, Email, Web Hosting, Email Hosting, Live Chat and Website Builder Services from your interfaces itself.

To accomplish this, you need to use either of these 2 methods and pass the following parameters to the mentioned URL, via an HTTP POST method:

Method 1 (recommended)

URL: https://<Your_Control Panel_Branded_URL>/servlet/ManageServiceServletForAPI

  • orderid: The Web Services (Email Hosting, Web Hosting, Website Builder), Live Chat Service Order Id that your Customer wants to manage. In case of DNS/Email Service, the Order ID of the Product associated with the DNS/Email Service needs to be passed. Based on the orderid, the productCategory will be determined.


    For DNS and Email (Email Forwarding) that do not have any other Product associated with them, you can continue to pass the existing orderid to reach the DNS Management Console and Email Forwarding Management interface respectively.

  • loginid: You need to generate a Login ID, that you need to pass as the value of this parameter for allowing the Customer to manage his Order. This can be accomplished by calling the API method generateLoginID in the Customer class. In order to call generateLoginID, you will have to pass ipAddress as a parameter. This Login ID generated will be valid for a very short period of time and you should use it immediately upon generating it.


    While generating the Login ID, you need to use the Username and Password of the Customer, to whom the Order belongs.

  • service-name: This parameter needs to be passed to manage the specified service name. The value of this parameter needs to be either:

    • dns: For managing DNS Service.

    • mailfwd: For managing Email Forwarding Service.

    • free_email: For managing Free Email Account Service.

    • mailhosting: For managing Email Hosting Plans.

    • webhosting: For managing Web Hosting Plans.

    • websitebuilder: For managing Website Builder Plans.

This method is the most secure method of allowing your Customers to manage their DNS, Email, Web Hosting, Email Hosting, Live Chat and Website Builder Services, since it does not expose the Customer's Username and Password in your interface.

If you choose to use this method, then you would need to create an intermediate interface to which you can provide the required parameters, and which in-turn generates a valid URL and redirects your Customer.

You need to provide orderid and any authentication details (optional) to this interface. This interface would then call the API method generateLoginID of the Customer class and build a URL with orderid, loginid and service-name as parameters, and then redirect the Customer to this URL.


Let us call this interface a servlet named ManageOrderBoxControlPanel (assuming that you are using our JAVA API Kit).

  1. This interface would accept the Web Services (Email Hosting, Web Hosting, Website Builder)/Live Chat Service Order Id or the Order Id of the Product associated with DNS or Email Service as a parameter. So, in order to manage a Service, you will call this interface with https://<Your-Server-URL>/ManageOrderBoxControlPanel?orderid=<orderid>.

  2. Now this servlet would need to call the API method generateLoginID of the Customer class like: String loginid = API call to generateLoginID(username,password,role,langpref,resellerid,ipAddress);where,

    • username: the Username of the Customer, to whom the Order belongs.

    • password: the Password of the Customer, to whom the Order belongs.

    • resellerid: the Reseller Id associated with your Reseller Account. You can find it by clicking the icon at the top right corner within your Reseller Control Panel.

    • role: customer

  3. The final URL to which you would then redirect your Customer to, would look like:

    • For management of Live Chat Services: https://<Your_Branded_URL>/servlet/ManageServiceServletForAPI?loginid=<loginid>&orderid=<orderid>

    • For management of DNS Service/Email Forwarding Service/Email Hosting/Web Hosting/Website Builder/Free Email Account Service: https://<Your_Branded_URL>/servlet/ManageServiceServletForAPI?loginid=<loginid>orderid=<orderid>&service-name=<servicename>

Method 2

URL: https://<Your_Control Panel_Branded_URL>/servlet/ManageServiceServletForAPI

  • orderid: The Web Services (Email Hosting, Web Hosting, Website Builder)/Email Hosting/Live Chat Service Order Id that your Customer wants to manage. In case of DNS/Email Service, the Order ID of the Product associated with the DNS/Email Service needs to be passed. Based on the orderid, the productCategory will be determined.


    For DNS and Email Forwarding Orders that do not have any other Product associated with them, you can continue to pass the existing orderid to reach the DNS Management Console and Email Forwarding Management interface respectively.

  • username: The Username of the Customer, to whom the Order belongs.

  • password: The Password of the Customer, to whom the Order belongs.

  • resellerid: The Reseller Id associated with your Reseller Account. You can find it by clicking the icon at the top right corner within your Reseller Control Panel.

  • service-name: This parameter needs to be passed to manage the specified service name.

The disadvantage of using this method is that it is a bit less secure as the Customer Username and Password along with your Reseller Id can be viewed in the source of the page, from where you post to the ManageServiceServletForAPI servlet.


Do not send the above mentioned as parameters as part of a URL, or else this information will be displayed in your Customer's Browser Address Bar.