Changes in version 3.16
Java Docs updated
Changes in version 3.15
Java Docs updated
Changes related to methods:
New Methods
Changes in version 3.14
Java Docs updated
Deprecated methods:
Core Kit
Methods deprecated under the Fund class:
Changes in version 3.13
Java Docs updated
Changes related to classes methods:
New Classes and Methods
Changes in version 3.12
Java Docs updated
Changes related to methods:
New Methods
Other Products Kit
renewCertificate() method introduced under the DigitalCertificateOrder class
Other Products Kit
renew() method deprecated under the DigitalCertificateOrder class
Deprecated Methods
Changes in version 3.11
Java Docs updated
Changes related to methods:
New Methods
Other Products Kit
modOrderFTPDetails() method under the SiteBuilder class
addCertificate() method under the DigitalCertificate class
Core Kit
delete() method under the Customer class
listCurrentActions() and listArchivedActions() methods under the Order class
Changed Methods
DigitalCertificate class of Other Products Kit
renew() method (added new parameter approverEmail)
reissue() (added new parameters additionalLicenses, orgName, orgStreet, orgCity, orgRegion, orgZip, orgCountry, orgPhone)
Customer & Reseller class of Core Kit
Changed parameter names of username and passwd to emailAddress and password respectively.
Deprecated Methods
EntityAction class of Core Kit
DigitalCertificate class of Other Products Kit
Changes in version 3.10
Java Docs updated
Changes related to classes and methods:
New Parameters introduced in Existing Methods
Other Products Kit Class Name Method Name New Parameters EngageOrder renew String invoiceOption EngageOrder renew String existingEndTime Deprecated Methods
Domains Kit Class Name Deprecated Method Suggested Class Suggested Method DomContact addDefaultContact DomContact addDefaultContacts DomContact add DomContact addContact DomContact list DomContact listByType DomContactExt isValidRegistrantContact DomContactExt isValidContact DomOrder transferDomain DomOrder addTransferDomain DomOrder add DomOrder registerDomain ZoneOrder mod ZoneOrder Functionality not required anymore DotEu tradeDomain DotEu trade DotEu transferDomain DotEu transfer DotEu add DomOrder registerDomain Core Kit Class Name Deprecated Method Suggested Class Suggested Method Customer addCustomer Customer signUp Customer modDetails Customer mod Reseller addReseller Reseller signUp Reseller modDetails Reseller mod Reseller addResellerWithStateId Reseller Functionality not required anymore OrderSetup getResellerSlabPercentageForProducts OrderSetup Functionality not required anymore OrderSetup getCustomerSlabPercentage OrderSetup Functionality not required anymore
Changes in version 3.9
- Java Docs updated
Changes in version 3.8
Java Docs updated
Changes related to classes and methods:
- The following new methods have been introduced under DigitalCertificateOrder class within the Other Products Kit:
- The following new methods have been introduced under DigitalCertificateOrder class within the Other Products Kit:
Changes in version 3.7
Java Docs updated
Changes related to classes and methods:
Some old parameters have been removed and new parameters introduced in their place under the following methods -
*packageKey will be the Identifier Key of the Plan (plan1, plan2, plan3, plan4) for which the Order needs to be added/modified.
The following classes and their methods are removed:
Two new methods, mod and signUp, have been introduced under the Reseller and Customer classes.
Changes in version 3.6
Java Docs updated
Changes related to classes and methods:
New methods have been added in the Core Kit under the following class:
getProductMetadata - Product class
Changes in version 3.5
Java Docs updated
Changes related to classes and functions:
New functions have been added in the Core Kit under the following classes:
getList - Country class
getStateListForCountry - Country class
getDetails - Order class
addResellerWithStateId - Reseller class
An extra option called Supersite is added in the getDetails function of the Reseller class in the Core Kit.
A new class LegalAgreement is added with the following methods under the Core Kit:
Changes in version 3.4
Java Docs Updated
New Classes introduced in all Kits:
Core Kit
Other Products Kit
Changes in version 3.3
3 new functions have been added in the Core Kit under the following classes:
authenticateCustomerId - Customer class
login - Customer class
getOrderIdByDomainAndProductCategory - Order class
Bug Fix - A minor Java Script problem was causing the frame links in the examples to not work in some browsers like Mozilla and Opera.
Changes in version 3.2.1
WSDL Endpoint changed
Changes in version 3.2
New methods added viz. Order.removeCustomerLock, Order.getLockList
Changes in version 3.1
Minor bugs in WSDL files fixed.
Version 3.0 Released
Extensive changes made. Please download the kit and read the appropriate Javadocs for details.
Changes in version 2.6
Added the method Customer.delete() which allows you to delete a Customer
Added the method DomOrder.cancelTransferRequest() which allows you to cancel the transfer-in request for a domain name
Added the method Order.sendRfa() which allows you to re/send the email asking for transfer-in approval for domain names.
Changes in version 2.5
Bug fix in Modify Customer Details and Modify Contact Details forms
More details in the Javadocs for DomOrder.getDetails()
Link to new Demo Server added.
Version 2.3
Perl API KIT added